Mike Shertz and his team teach several in-person classes each year. All primary instruction and lectures are designed and presented by Dr. Shertz. He has a few select associate instructors who assist in proctoring hands-on skills stations and scenarios.
Practice makes permanent. You'll have multiple opportunities to practice your medical skills on different trainers and modalities. Then practice your skills in a real-world scenario based on actual injuries.
Note: For in-person courses, refunds will not be issued if cancellation is made without two weeks' notice ahead of the class start date.
Most classes are taught in Portland, Oregon, and a few each year in Seattle due to the huge logistical footprint the In-Person Trainings require. Contact us for the possibility of having a course brought to you. Note, prices are for courses in the greater Portland, Oregon area. Travel courses may have additional costs, please email us to discuss having a Crisis Medicine course come to you: logistics@crisis-medicine.com.
Note: For in-person courses, refunds will not be issued if cancellation is made without two weeks' notice ahead of the class start date.
→Please book your class through the links to the actual dates of classes, not to the general course description.